Wildflower Viewing Areas in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington

Hood River Mountain Meadows

An early season view of Hood River Mt. Meadows with Gold Stars (Crocidium multicaule) in the foreground and Oregon White Oak in the background.

An early season view of Hood River Mt. Meadows with Gold Stars (Crocidium multicaule) in the foreground and Oregon White Oak in the background.

Note: This hike description was written in the early 1990s when the ridgeline making up Hood River Mountain Meadows was more open and undeveloped. I have not visited here since then so I can't verify that the directions will get you to this hike now. View the online resources below and check with OregonHikers.org to get current conditions. Evidently, there's a bit of logging on the mountain and the area can be closed at times to both hikers and mountain bikers. For your safety, respect closure signs!


From State Road 14 east at the toll bridge to Hood River, OR (approximately one mile west of Bingen, WA), cross the Columbia River via the toll Bridge (75 cents) and cross under the freeway (Interstate 84). From Portland, travel east on I-84 to exit 64. Turn right from the off ramp. Just past the eastbound off ramp, turn right (OR 35) and climb uphill, over the railroad tracks to a fourway stop sign. Continue straight (south) through the intersection on OR 35. After about one-half mile, turn left onto Panorama Point Road and proceed uphill for about 2 miles. Then turn left onto the Old Dalles Road. This road is initially paved, but becomes gravel near the gravel pit. Continue climbing steeply for about 2 miles to the ridgetop, then proceed right onto Hood River Mountain Road.


From The Dalles and Mosier, OR, proceed west on Interstate 84 to exit 64. From Bingen, WA and points east, proceed west of Bingen about one mile to the intersection for the bridge to Hood River. Cross the Columbia River via the toll bridge and proceed as in the paragraph above.

iew of balsamroot, paintbrush, and lupine from the ridgetop at Hood River Mt. Meadows. - Open slopes along the ridge top at Hood River Mountain Meadows

View of balsamroot, paintbrush, and lupine from the ridgetop at Hood River Mt. Meadows.

Hood River Mountain Meadows occupies a ridgetop to the east of Hood River, OR. The area consists of open meadows surrounded by Oregon white oak and occasional stands of ponderosa pine or even Douglas fir. The first flowers begin appearing on the lower slopes by mid to late March. Usually, the wet meadows at the ridgetop see their first flowers early in April. Views east from the ridgetop allow you to see The Dalles, the Columbia River, and the Columbia Hills. Views to the west are even more spectacular due to the steeper western slopes. Expanses of orchards with forest and Mt Hood in the background may be viewed from here. The view is most impressive when the balsamroot are in bloom! Peak bloom is from May into early June. Sporadic bloom persists towards fall, although one may also view interesting grass seed heads all summer long too.

When visiting this area, please observe and obey all private property signs! The hillsides on both sides of the Old Dalles Road as it climbs to the ridgetop are private, despite their beauty. Increasingly, people are purchasing tracts of land along the ridgetop, so respect their property! Also beware of poison oak in the area. Tread carefully!

Plant Lists:

Plant list for Hood River Mountain Meadows

April 18, 1998

March 1, 1998

Online Resources:

Hood River Mountain: Northwest Wildflowers - Has a map of the trail and parking places.

Hood River Mountain: 05/06/2012 - OregonHikers.org trip report

Hood River Mountain: 04/13/2013 - OregonHikers.org trip report

Hood River Mountain handy little hike (and oh so scenic) from Hood River - OREGONLIVE.COM

Paul Slichter