Arroyo Willow
Salix lasiolepis
Synonyms: Salix lasiolepis var. bakeri, Salix lasiolepis var. bigelovii, Salix lasiolepis var. lasiolepis
Close-up of what may be arroyo willow at left going to seed in a stock pond at the Dalles Mt. Ranch, Columbia Hills State Park, WA........May 10, 2009. The photo at right shows the male catkins of arroyo willow as seen on USFS lands along a creek east of the Wasco County Quarry at Sevenmile Hill......February 21, 2020.
Close-up views of what may be arroyo willow in a stock pond at the Dalles Mt. Ranch, Columbia Hills State Park, WA.........May 10, 2009.
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Close-ups of the pistillate and staminate catkins and young leaves of arroyo willow as seenin a stock pond at the Dalles Mt. Ranch, Columbia Hills State Park, WA.........April 20, 2012.
Young leaves and pistillate catkins of arroyo willow as seen at Dancing Rock, Friends of the Columbia River Gorge property near the Columbia Hills.........April 20, 2012.
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Male catkins (left and center) and female catkings (right) on arroyo willow observed along the Klickitat Canyon in upper Swale Canyon, about half a mile downstream of the Harms Road trailhead......March 8, 2020.
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"Pussy willow" catkin buds of arroyo willow as observed at left and center along Swale Creek about one-half mile downstream from the Harms Road Trailhead for the Klickitat Trail, Klickitat County, WA.......February 2, 2019. The next day it snowed and the area was under a blanket of snow until late March. The photo at right shows the catkins of arrowy willow beginning to open along Catherine Creek.....February 18, 2020.
Paul Slichter