Columbia River Willow, Coyote Willow, Narrowleaf Willow
Salix exigua var. exigua
Synonyms: Salix argophylla, Salix exigua var. angustissima, Salix exigua var. columbiana, Salix exigua var. hindsiana, Salix exigua var. luteosericea, Salix exigua var. nevadensis, Salix exigua var. stenophylla, Salix exigua var. virens, Salix parishiana
Dorsal leaf surface (top) and ventral leaf surface (bottom) of coyote willow as seen at a permanent pothole pond on the Friends of the Gorge Dancing Rock property in the eastern Columbia River Gorge.........July 17, 2009.
Close-up views of coyote willow as seen at a permanent pothole pond on the Friends of the Gorge Dancing Rock property in the eastern Columbia River Gorge.......July 17, 2009.
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Aditional close-ups of what appears to be coyote willow as seen along the western shoreline of the Deschutes River about one-half mile upstream from the Columbia River.........July 27, 2011. Note the fine hairs on the underside of the leaves and the female inflorescences beginning to bloom in mid-summer.
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Coyote willow as seen along old Highway 30 at some ponds about one mile west of the mouth of the Deschutes River, Columbia River Gorge........May 12, 2012. The scanned samples are from the same location.
Coyote willow as seen on a sandy/gravelly bank along the Columbia River shoreline about one-quarter mile east of the Dalton Point boat launch........October 8, 2012.
Paul Slichter