[Balsamroots: The Genus Balsamorhiza in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

Serrate Balsamroot, Toothed Balsamroot

Balsamorhiza serrata

Serrate Balsamroot, Toothed Balsamroot: Balsamorhiza serrata

Serrate balsamroot growing on ashy soils near Sundale in south-central Klickitat County, WA.........April 20, 2011. This site is within about one and one-half miles of the Columbia River.

Serrate Balsamroot, Toothed Balsamroot: Balsamorhiza serrata - Close-up of the flower head of Serrate Balsamroot, Toothed Balsamroot: Balsamorhiza serrata

Close-up of the involucral bracts of Serrate Balsamroot, Toothed Balsamroot: Balsamorhiza serrata- - Serrate Balsamroot, Toothed Balsamroot: Balsamorhiza serrata

Additional close-up photos of serrate balsamroot as seen growing on ashy soils near Sundale in south-central Klickitat County, WA........April 20, 2011. Some plants at this site show some evidence of possible hybridization with Carey's balsamroot (Balsamorhiza careyana).

Paul Slichter