[Thistles: The Genus Cirsium in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

Canada Thistle, Creeping Thistle

Cirsium arvense

Synonyms: Cirsium arvense var. arvense, Cirsium arvense var. horridum, Cirsium arvense var. mite

Canada Thistle, Creeping Thistle: Cirsium arvense (Synonyms: Cirsium arvense var. arvense, Cirsium arvense var. horridum, Cirsium arvense var. mite)

The photo above shows a close-up side-view of the inflorescence of Canada thistle as seen along Road #23 at the Mt. Adams viewpoint at the southwestern corner of Mt. Adams........August 6, 2005.

Canada Thistle, Creeping Thistle: Cirsium arvense (Synonyms: Cirsium arvense var. arvense, Cirsium arvense var. horridum, Cirsium arvense var. mite)

The photo above shows a close-up view from above of the inflorescence of Canada thistle as seen along Road #23 at the Mt. Adams viewpoint at the southwestern corner of Mt. Adams.......August 6, 2005.

Leaf of Canada Thistle, Creeping Thistle: Cirsium arvense (Synonyms: Cirsium arvense var. arvense, Cirsium arvense var. horridum, Cirsium arvense var. mite)

The photo above shows a close-up of a stem leaf of Canada thistle as seen along Road #23 at the Mt. Adams viewpoint at the southwestern corner of Mt. Adams.......August 6, 2005. The stem leaves of Canada thistle are not as deepllly lobed as those of bull thistle (Cirsium vulgare).

Paul Slichter