[Sedges: The Genus Carex in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

Slough Sedge

Carex obnupta

Female spike of Slough Sedge: Carex obnupta

The photo above shows a close-up of the female heads in part of the inflorescence of slough sedge as seen at the webmaster's garden in Gresham, OR..........April 2005.

Inflorescence of Slough Sedge: Carex obnupta

The photo above shows the upper stem of slough sedge. The male heads are seen above the arched female heads.

Male spike of Slough Sedge: Carex obnupta

The photo above shows the male spikes of slough sedge, which are located above the female spikes.

Perigynia and scales of Slough Sedge: Carex obnupta - Perigynia and scales of Slough Sedge: Carex obnupta

Two close-up views of the perigynia and subtending scales of slough sedge as seen at the authors home in Gresham, OR.........May 3, 2009.

Paul Slichter E-mail