Alpine Timothy, Mountain Timothy
Phleum alpinum
Synonyms: Phleum alpinum var. commutatum, Phleum alpinum ssp. alpinum, Phleum commutatum, Phleum commutatum var. americanum

A close-up of the inflorescence of alpine timothy as seen along the trail near the north trailhead to Silver Star Mountain, Gifford Pinchot National Forest..........July 11, 2013.

The photo above shows a close-up of the inflorescence of alpine timothy as seen in a large, moist meadow along the Pacific Crest Trail about one-half mile west of its junction with the Stagman Ridge Trail #12 in the Mt. Adams Wilderness............September 13, 2008. The inflorescence of this species is shorter (up to 3 cm) than the longer, cylindrical inflorescence (5-10 cm length) of the similar Phelum pratense which can occsionally be found along horse trails here.

The photo above shows alpine timothy as seen in a large, moist meadow along the Pacific Crest Trail about one-half mile west of its junction with the Stagman Ridge Trail #12 in the Mt. Adams Wilderness...........September 13, 2008.

The photo above shows a close-up of the uppermost stem leaf of alpine timothy as seen in a large, moist meadow along the Pacific Crest Trail about one-half mile west of its junction with the Stagman Ridge Trail #12 in the Mt. Adams Wilderness............September 13, 2008.

The photo above shows alpine timothy as seen at the junction of the Pacific Crest Trail and Divide Camp Trail #112 in the Mt. Adams Wilderness.............September 18, 2008.
The photo above shows what appears to be alpine timothy as seen attrailhead for the Divide Camp Trail #112 on the northern slopes of Mt. Adams...........September 18, 2008. Click each photo to see an enlarged version.
Additional photos of alpine timothy as seen along the Round the Mountain Trail in Bird Creek Meadows at the southeastern corner of Mt. Adams.........July 19, 2009.
Alpine timothy as seen in Gotchen Creek Meadows, southeastern Mt. Adams, Gifford Pinchot National Forest.........August 8, 2012.
Paul Slichter