Common Western Needlegrass, Western Needlegrass
Achnatherum occidentale ssp. pubescens
Synonyms: Eriocoma occidentalis ssp. pubescens, Stipa elmeri, Stipa occidentalis var. pubescens)

The photo above shows a close-up of the pubescent lemmas and bent awn of western needlegrass as seen the southern rim of the White River Canyon on Mt. Hood........August 29, 2008. Note that the awn is fairly hairy past the first bend.

The photo above shows a close-up of the pubescent lemmas and twice bent awns of western needlegrass as seen the southern rim of the White River Canyon on Mt. Hood........August 29, 2008.

The photo above shows western needlegrass as seen on sandy soils along the southern rim of the White River Canyon on Mt. Hood. Photographed about one mile east of Timberline Lodge along the Pacific Crest Trail...........August 29, 2008. Lupinus arcticus and Eucephalus ledophyllus are also visible in the photo. There was also quite a bit of Bromus carinatus and Carex rossii at this location.

The photo above shows a close-up of the pubescent lemmas of western needlegrass as seen the southern rim of the White River Canyon on Mt. Hood...........August 29, 2008.
A close-up image of the lemmas and awns as well as the form of western needlegrass as seen along the Willard Springs Foottrail in Conboy Lake NWR.........July 31, 2008.
Paul Slichter