Ring Pellia
Pellia neesiana ssp. columbiana
Synonym: Marsillia neesiana

What may be ring pellia growing on a mossy bank along the Eagle Creek Trail in the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area between Metaka and Punchbowl Falls.......February 19, 2012. Or is this Ricardia multifida?
What may be ring pellia growing on a mossy bank along the Eagle Creek Trail in the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area between Metaka and Punchbowl Falls.......March 24, 2012. Or is this Ricardia multifida?

Ring pellia growing on a moist, vertical rock face along the
Eagle Creek Trail in the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area between Metaka and Punchbowl Falls.....April 13, 2012.
Ring pellia growing on moist ground along the Wahclella Falls Trail above Tanner Creek, Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area.......October 15, 2012.
Paul Slichter