Powder-headed Tube Lichen, Tube Lichen
Hypogymnia tubulosa
Synonym: Parmelia tubulosa
What appears to be powder-headed tube lichen with reenleaf tuckermannopsis lichen and brown-eyed sunshine lichen on a ponderosa pine branch in forestlands surrounding private meadows at Panakanic, Klickitat County, Washington..........November 10, 2014.
What appears to be powder-headed tube lichen (center) along with antlered perfume (Evernia prunastri), the cream-colored fruticose lichen at both sides of the image as seen on an Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana) branch in the Klickitat Wildlife Area between the Glenwood-Goldendale Highway and Canyon Creek.........April 6, 2013.
Paul Slichter