Cup Lichen
Cladonia bellidiflora
What appears to be Cladonia bellidiflora at left growing on moss-covered basalt rocks in a talus slope above the Pacific Crest Trail at Gillette Lake, Columbia River Gorge............November 13, 2013. It may be possible that this could be Cladonia transcendens which grows on rock instead of woody materials. The photo at right shows british soldiers lichen growing on a cut bank along the Bridge Trail adjacent to the Upper Hardy Creek Trail, Beacon Rock State Park......October 21, 2021.
What appears to be Cladonia bellidiflora growing on moss-covered basalt rocks on a roadcut along the old Chatfield Road west of the eastbound Memaloose Rest Area on Interstate 84, Columbia River Gorge............January 19, 20143.
Paul Slichter