[Wildflowers of the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

Aquatic Plants of the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington

Hornwort, Coontail, Coon's-tail: Ceratophyllum demersum (Synonym: Ceratophyllum apiculatum)

Hornwort: Ceratophyllum demersum

The Waterplantain Family in the Columbia River Gorge: Alismataceae -

The Duckweed Family in the Columbia River Gorge: Araceae (formerly Lemnaceae) -

The Hornwort Family in the Columbia River Gorge: Ceratophyllaceae -

The Waterwort Family in the Columbia River Gorge: Elatinaceae -

The Water-milfoil Family in the Columbia River Gorge: Haloragaceae -

The Frog's bit Family in the Columbia River Gorge: Hydrocharitaceae -

The Quillwort Family in the Columbia River Gorge:

The Pepperwort Family in the Columbia River Gorge: Marsilaceae -

The Buckbean Family in the Columbia River Gorge: Menyanthaceae -

The Water-lily Family in the Columbia River Gorge: Nymphaceae -

Water-starworts of the Columbia River Gorge: Plantaginaceae (formerly Callitrichaceae) -

The Pondweed Family in the Columbia River Gorge: Potamogetonaceae - Include horned pondweeds of the former Zannichelliaceae.

The Burr-reed and Cat-tail Family in the Columbia River Gorge: Typhaceae - Includes the former burr-reed family (Sparganiaceae).

Paul Slichter E-mail