[The Reptiles of the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

Lizards of the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington

Short-horned Lizard: Phrynosoma douglassii

Immature Alligator Lizard: Elgaria sp. - Can anyone help identify which alligaor lizard species this would be?

Northern Alligator Lizard: Elgaria coerulea -

Southern Alligator Lizard: Elgaria multicarinata -

Western Skink: Eumeces skiltonianus -

Short-horned Lizard: Phrynosoma douglassii -

Sagebrush Lizard?: Sceloporus graciosus -

Western Fence Lizard: Sceloporus occidentalis -

Side-blotched Lizard?: Uta stansburiana -

Paul Slichter E-mail