Julia Orangetip
Anthocharis julia sulfuris
The photo at left shows a julia orange-tip hanging from a blossum of great hound's tongue (Cynoglossum grande) as seen at Catherine Creek in the Columbia River Gorge.........April 9, 2006. The photo at right shows a julia orange-tip in grasslands between Rowena and Memaloose, Columbia River Gorge......March 18, 2022.
Several close-up views of a julia orangetip trying to sun itself while resting on an antelope bitterbrush (Purshia tridentata) at Chenoweth Table near The Dalles, Oregon.........March 28, 2013.

A julia orangetip observed resting on a leaf of barestem desert parsley (Lomatium nudicaule) as seen along the Memaloose Loop Trail near Marsh Hill, Columbia River Gorge..........April 21, 2017.
A julia orangetip observed on Columbia desert parsley (Lomatium columbianum) along the Klickitat Trail in upper Swale Canyon, about one and one-half miles downstream from the Harm's Road Trailhead.......March 8, 2020.
Paul Slichter