Cusick's Serviceberry
Amelanchier cusickii
Synonyms: Amelanchier basalticola, Amelanchier alnifolia var. cusickii, Amelanchier florida, Amelanchier florida var. cusickii
Several additional photos of Cusick's serviceberry from near the Columbia River Gorge
Cusick's serviceberry blooming on forest service grasslands between Marsh Cutoff and Dell Roads, Columbia River National Scenic Area......April 28, 2023.

Cusick's serviceberry beginning to bloom along Old Highway 8 directly beneath the Labyrinth in the central Columbia River Gorge.................April 10, 2010.

The photo above shows a close-up of the flower of cusick's serviceberry
as seen along the Goldendale-Glenwood Road at a logging road which descends into the upper Klickitat River canyon. Note the 5 styles amongst the stamens. Photographed on May 3, 2008.

The photo above shows a close-up of the flower of cusick's serviceberry as seen along the Goldendale-Glenwood Road at a logging road which descends into the upper Klickitat River canyon. Note the largely glabrous upper surface of the ovary. Photographed on May 3, 2008.
The 6 photos above show close-up details of the flowers and leaves of Cusick's serviceberry as seen in Canyon Creek in the Klickitat State Wildlife Recreation Area in western Klickitat County..........April 23, 2009.
Cusick's serviceberry as seen along the Wygant Trail just east of Perham Creek in the Wygant State Natural Area.........March 29, 2015.
Cusick's serviceberry blooming on the grounds of The Dalles Discovery Center.........April 5, 2016.

Cusick's serviceberry as seen in Canyon Creek in the Klickitat State Wildlife Recreation Area in western Klickitat County.........April 23, 2009.
Cusick's serviceberry blooming near the Memaloose Overlook off old US Highway 30, Columbia River Gorge......April 14, 2018.

Cusick's serviceberry beginning to bloom at Chenoweth Table at the western boundary of The Dalles, Oregon............April 21, 2013.

Cusick's serviceberry blooming atop a 100' high cliff overlooking the Columbia River about one mile west along the Mark O. Hatfield Trail east of the Twin Tunnels, Columbia River Gorge..........April 13, 2014.
Cusick's serviceberry blooming on USFS lands east of Major Creek, Columbia River Gorge.......April 3, 2018.
Paul Slichter