[Montias of the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

Howell's Miner's-lettuce, Howell's Montia

Montia howellii

Synonyms: Claytonia howellii, Maxia howellii, Montiastrum howellii

Howell's Miner's-lettuce, Howell's Montia: Montia howellii (Synonyms: Claytonia howellii, Maxia howellii, Montiastrum howellii)

Unfortunately this photo is not very good, but this is the only time I've come across this species, so it does show the characteristic alternate leaves with the leaves linear-oblanceolate to linear-spatulate in shape. Photographed on the Rohrbacher property on a basalt outcrop at a small waterfall on a creek which descends to the mouth of Swale Canyon..............March 31, 2012.

Paul Slichter