Linear-leaved Springbeauty, Streambank Springbeauty
Claytonia parviflora ssp. parviflora
Synonyms: Claytonia perfoliata var. parviflora, Montia parviflora, Montia perfoliata var. parviflora

Streambank springbeauty growing in a burnt slash pile along the Atwood Road at Catherine Creek, central Columbia River Gorge.........May 1, 2010.

Additional examples of streambank springbeauty as seen growing in a burnt slash pile along the Atwood Road at Catherine Creek, central Columbia River Gorge..........May 1, 2010.

Streambank springbeauty as seen on a moist bank along the trail to the lower falls on McCord Creek, Columbia River Gorge..........April 22, 2015.
Streambank springbeauty as seen on recently burned (wildfire from early fall 2009) ground along the Mosier Twin Tunnels Trail........April 29, 2010. Note the perfoliate stem leaves and stiffly erect, almost linear basal leaves which are somewhat reminiscent of those of the similar Claytonia exigua ssp. glauca which has glaucous foliage.

Linear-leaved springbeauty as seen amongst talus along the Cherry Orchard Trail.........March 7, 2011.

Linear-leaved springbeauty as seen in a crack on a basalt cliff in a quarry at the west end of Memaloose State Park...........March 22, 2013.
Paul Slichter