[The Pink Family in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

Campions and Catchflys of the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington

The Genus Silene

Douglas' Campion, Douglas' Catchfly, Douglas' Silene: Silene douglasii var. rupinae

Douglas' Catchfly: Silene douglasii var. rupinae

Campions and Catchflys of the Columbia River Gorge:

Sleepy Catchfly, Sleepy Silene: Silene antirrhina (Synonyms: Silene antirrhina var. confinis, Silene antirrhina var. depauperata, Silene antirrhina var. divaricata, Silene antirrhina var. laevigata, Silene antirrhina var. subglaber, Silene antirrhina var. vaccarifolia) - Introduced species. Calyx glabrous with 10 nerves, 4-10 mm long. Flowers in open to narrowed cymes. Petal blades 2-4 mm, obcordate in shape with 2 small appendages less than 0.5 mm long. Petals pinkish.

Red Campion, Red Catchfly: Silene dioica (Synonym: Lychnis dioica, Melandrium dioicum, Melandrium dioicum ssp. rubrum, Melandrium rubrum) - Introduced species. Calyx glandular. Petal blades about 1 cm long, deeply cleft with 2 rounded lobes. Flowers red.

Douglas' Campion, Douglas' Catchfly, Douglas' Silene: Silene douglasii var. douglasii (Synonyms: Silene douglasii var. monantha, Silene douglasii var. villosa, Silene lyallii) - Native perennial. Calyx generally with spreading hairs and non-glandular. Calyx lobes with white membranous margins, often inrolled. Petal blades 6-9 mm long, deeply notched at the tip with 2 rounded lobes. 2 appendages linear to narrowly oblong, several mm long. Petals white or pinkish.

Cliff-dwelling Campion, Douglas' Catchfly: Silene douglasii var. rupinae

Common Catchfly, French Silene, Windmill-pink: Silene gallica (Synonym: Silene anglica) - Introduced species, annual. Calyx with long, stiff, spreading hairs, 10-nerved. Flowers in 1-sided racemes. Petal blades 2-5 mm long, entire to very shallowy notched. Flowers white to dark red.

Bladder Campion, Evening Campion, White Campion: Silene latifolia ssp. alba (Synonyms: Lychnis alba, Lychnis latifolia ssp. alba, Lychnis latifolia var. alba, Lychnis Xloveae, Lychnis vespertina, Melandrium album, Silene alba, Silene latifolia, Silene pratensis) - Introduced species, biennial. Calyx with gland-tipped hairs. Petal blades about 1 cm long, deeply cleft at the tip with 2 rounded lobes. Flowers white.

Menzies' Campion, Menzie's Silene: Silene menziesii ssp. menziesii var. viscosa (Synonym: Silene menziesii var. viscosa) - Native perennial. Stems and calyx very sticky, glandular. Flowers white, the petal blades less than 1 cm long, the blades surpassing the calyx lobes by 1-3 mm. Flowers in open leafy cymes. Plants generally less than 15 cm high. Flowers white.

Oregon Campion, Oregon Catchfly, Oregon Silene: Silene oregana (Synonyms: Silene filisecta, Silene gormanii) - Native perennial. Calyx glandular, 1o-nerved. Petal blades 6-7 mm long, deeply 4-lobed, the lobes either equal or the middle lobes again deeply divided. 4-6 linear appendages present. Generally fairly easy to identify in the Gorge because of the shredded appearance of the petals. Flowers white.

Bladder Campion, Maidenstears: Silene vulgaris (Synonyms: Oberna commutata, Silene cucubalus, Silene inflata, Silene latifolia, Silene latifolia var. pubescens) - Introduced species. Calyx glabrous except for some ciliate hairs on the margins of the calyx lobes. Calyx 15-20 lobed, often inflated. Flowers white or pinkish.

and the similar:

Mullein Pink, Rose Campion: Lychnis coronaria (Synonyms: Agrostemma coronaria, Coronaria coriacea, Silene coronaria) - Introduced species, biennial to short-lived perennial. Plants covered with short, dense, gray hairs, eglandular. Calyx with mat of short gray hairs with twisted lobes. Flowers red, the petal blades broadly obcordate.

Paul Slichter E-mail