Mullein Pink, Rose Campion: Lychnis coronaria (Synonyms: Agrostemma coronaria, Coronaria coriacea, Silene coronaria) - Introduced species, biennial to short-lived perennial. Plants covered with short, dense, gray hairs, eglandular. Calyx with mat of short gray hairs with twisted lobes. Flowers red, the petal blades broadly obcordate.
Red Campion, Red Catchfly: Silene dioica (Synonym: Lychnis dioica, Melandrium dioicum, Melandrium dioicum ssp. rubrum, Melandrium rubrum) - Introduced species. Calyx glandular. Petal blades about 1 cm long, deeply cleft with 2 rounded lobes. Flowers red.
Bladder Campion, Evening Campion, White Campion: Silene latifolia ssp. alba (Synonyms: Lychnis alba, Lychnis latifolia ssp. alba, Lychnis latifolia var. alba, Lychnis Xloveae, Lychnis vespertina, Melandrium album, Silene alba, Silene latifolia, Silene pratensis) - Introduced species, biennial. Calyx with gland-tipped hairs. Petal blades about 1 cm long, deeply cleft at the tip with 2 rounded lobes. Flowers white.