Stream Lupine, Riverbank Lupine, River-bank Lupine
Lupinus rivularis
Synonyms: Lupinus amphibius, Lupinus lignipes, Lupinus rivularis var. latifolius
Riverbank lupine blooming around the trailhead at Stiegerwald Lake National Wildlife Refuge.......May 10, 2022.
A close-up of the keel of riverbank lupine blooming on headlands above the Pacific Ocean along US Highway 101 to the south of Cannon Beach, OR...........May 22, 2009. Note the keel is ciliated (hairs lining the upper margin of the keel).
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What appears to be riverbank lupine blooming on a basalt outcrop between the two locks at Bonneville Dam, Columbia River Gorge.........May 14, 2013.
Close-up of the calyx of riverbank lupine as seen on headlands above the Pacific Ocean along US Highway 101 to the south of Cannon Beach, OR.......May 22, 2009. Note that the upper calyx lobe is about the same width (but slightly shorter than) as the lower calyx lobe.
Riverbank lupine blooming on headlands above the Pacific Ocean along US Highway 101 to the south of Cannon Beach, OR.......May 22, 2009.
Paul Slichter