[The Mint Family in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

The Hedge-nettles of the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington

The Genus Stachys

Coast Hedgenettle, Great Betony, Mexican Betony, Mexican Hedgenettle, Mexican Hedge-nettle: Stachys mexicana (Synonyms: Stachys ajugoides, Stachys ajugoides var. rigida, Stachys ciliata, Stachys emersonii)

Coast Hedgenettle: Stachys mexicana

Coastal Hedgenettle, Cooley's Hedgenettle, Cooley's Hedge-nettle, Great Betony, Great Hedge-nettle: Stachys cooleyae (Synonyms: Stachys ciliata, Stachys chamissonis var. cooleyae) - Leaves all petiolate. The corolla is a deep red-purple color. The corolla tube measures 15-25 mm long with the lower lip 8-14 mm long. Plants are large, measuring 70-150 cm high.

Coast Hedgenettle, Great Betony, Mexican Betony, Mexican Hedgenettle, Mexican Hedge-nettle: Stachys mexicana (Synonyms: Stachys ajugoides, Stachys ajugoides var. rigida, Stachys ciliata, Stachys emersonii) - Leaves all petiolate. The corolla is a pale pink or pink-purple. The corolla tube measures 8-13 mm long. Plants measure 30-80 cm high.

Hairy Hedgenettle, Hairy Hedge-nettle, Marsh Betony, Swamp Hedgenettle, Swamp Hedge-nettle: Stachys pilosa var. pilosa (Synonyms: Stachys asperrima, Stachys borealis, Stachys homotricha, Stachys palustris, Stachys palustris ssp. pilosa, Stachys palustris var. homotricha, Stachys palustris var. nipigonensis, Stachys palustris var. phaneropoda, Stachys palustris var. pilosa, Stachys palustris var puberula, Stachys scopulorum, Stachys teucriifolia, Stachys teucriiformis) - All leaves sessile, or some of the lower leaves very short-petiolate. Corolla with white spots on a purplish background. Corolla tube 11-16 mm long, barely longer than the calyx. Plants measure 30-90 cm high.

Rigid Betony, Rigid Hedgenettle, Rigid Hege-nettle, Rough Hedge-nettle: Stachys rigida (Synonyms: Stachys ajugoides, Stachys ajugoides var. ajugoides, Stachys ajugoides var. rigida, Stachys ciliata, Stachys rigida ssp. quercetorum, Stachys rigida ssp. rigida, Stachys rigida ssp. rivularis, Stachys rigida var. quercetorum, Stachys rigida var. rigida) -

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