[The Honeysuckle, Muskroot and Twinflower Families in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washingtons]

Viburnums of the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington

The Genus Viburnum

High-bush Cranberry: Viburnum edule

High-bush Cranberry: Viburnum edule

Highbush Cranberry, High-bush Cranberry, Moosewood Viburnum, Squashberry: Viburnum edule (Synonyms: Viburnum opulus var. edule, Viburnum pauciflorum) - Shrub to 3 meters tall. Leaves sharply toothed and somewhat 3-lobed on the upper one-third of the blade. Cymes few-flowered on short, lateral branchlets from the axils.

Common Viburnum, Oregon Viburnum, Oval-leaf Viburnum, Oval-leaved Viburnum, Western Blackhaw, Western Wayfaring Tree: Viburnum ellipticum (Synonym: Viburnum ellipticum var. macrocarpum) - Shrub to 3 meters tall. Leaves oval, opposite, and with rounded teeth above the middle of the blade. Cymes terminal. Flowers have a bad odor!

Cranberry-tree, European Cranberrybush, European Cranberry Bush, European Cranberry Tree, Guelder Rose, Snowball: Viburnum opulus var. opulus (Synonyms: Viburnum opulus var. roseum, Viburnum roseum)

Paul Slichter E-mail