Pipestems, Traveler's Joy, Western Clematis, Western White Clematis, White Virgin's Bower: Clematis ligusticifolia (Synonyms: Clematis brevifolia, Clematis ligusticifolia var. brevifolia, Clematis ligusticifolia var. ligusticifolia, Clematis neomexicana, Clematis suksdorfii) - White to cream-colored flowers. Leaflets with toothed or lobed margins. Native.
Chinese Clematis, Oriental ClematisOriental Virginsbower, Orange Peel Clematis: Clematis orientalis (Synonyms: Clematis aurea, Clematis daurica, Clematis glauca, Clematis glauca var. angustifolia, Clematis globosa, Viticella orientalis) - Yellow to greenish-yellow flowers. Proposed for 2012 as a Class A noxious weed in Washington state. This species has been observed along Interstate 84 east of Biggs, OR near the mouth of the John Day River.
Evergreen Clematis, Old Man's Beard, Traveler's-joy, Traveler's Joy: Clematis vitalba - White to cream-colored flowers. Leaflets with entire margins. Introduced species.