[Clarkias and Farewell to Springs: The Genus Clarkia in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

Small-flowered Godetia, Winecup Clarkia

Clarkia purpurea ssp. quadrivulnera

Synonyms: Clarkia quadrivulnera, Godetia purpurea var. parviflora, Godetia quadrivulnera, Godetia quadrivulnera var. vacensis

Close-up of a flower of Small-flowered Godetia, Winecup Clarkia: Clarkia purpurea ssp. quadrivulnera (Synonyms: Clarkia quadrivulnera, Godetia purpurea var. parviflora, Godetia quadrivulnera, Godetia quadrivulnera var. vacensis)

The photo above shows a close-up of the flower of small-flowered godetia as photographed at Catherine Creek, central Columbia River Gorge.........June 3, 2006. Each petal may be a solid pinkish-lavendar color, or may have darker spot at the central-apex of the flower as seen here.


Small-flowered Godetia is an erect annual, simple to several branched from the base. It ranges from 10 to 70 cm tall. The leaves are mostly on the stems, and are 1 to 5 cm long and 2 to 7 mm wide. The bracts below the flowers are smaller than the lower leaves.

The inflorescence is a loosely-flowered spike. The four petals are pale pinkish-lavendar to a deep rose-purple color, and may or may not have a carmine or purplish central spot. The individual petals are about 5 to 15 mm long.


Small-flowered Godetia is found in grassy prairies, from the valleys into the foothills.


Small-flowered Godetia is found from the Olympic Peninsula to Tacoma,WA, south to the Willamette Valley, and hence to the grasslands of California and into Baja California. Its range extends eastward through the Columbia River Gorge between the elevations of 100'-3000' as far east as Klickitat County, WA, and south into Hood River County, OR.

Close-up sideview of a flower of Small-flowered Godetia, Winecup Clarkia: Clarkia purpurea ssp. quadrivulnera (Synonyms: Clarkia quadrivulnera, Godetia purpurea var. parviflora, Godetia quadrivulnera, Godetia quadrivulnera var. vacensis) - Small-flowered Godetia, Winecup Clarkia: Clarkia purpurea ssp. quadrivulnera (Synonyms: Clarkia quadrivulnera, Godetia purpurea var. parviflora, Godetia quadrivulnera, Godetia quadrivulnera var. vacensis)

Note the inferior ovary as well as the separate, distinctly reflexed sepals. Photographed at Catherine Creek, central Columbia River Gorge..........June 3, 2006. Note the fairly open inflorescence of this species.

Small-flowered Godetia, Winecup Clarkia: Clarkia purpurea ssp. quadrivulnera (Synonyms: Clarkia quadrivulnera, Godetia purpurea var. parviflora, Godetia quadrivulnera, Godetia quadrivulnera var. vacensis)

Small-flowered godetia as photographed in vernally moist, open drainages between Canyon Creek and Little Bowman Creek in the Klickitat Wildlife Area...........June 19, 2016.

Small-flowered Godetia, Winecup Clarkia: Clarkia purpurea ssp. quadrivulnera (Synonyms: Clarkia quadrivulnera, Godetia purpurea var. parviflora, Godetia quadrivulnera, Godetia quadrivulnera var. vacensis)

Clarkia quadrivulnera from Hunter's Prairie, east of Mt. Hood along the White River.....June 18, 1994.

Paul Slichter