[The Bedstraw Family in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

Fragrant Bedstraw, Sweetscented Bedstraw, Three-flowered Bedstraw

Galium triflorum

Synonyms: Galium brachiatum, Galium pennsylvanicum, Galium triflorum var. asprelliforme, Galium triflorum var. viridiflorum

Flowers and bristly fruits of Fragrant Bedstraw, Sweetscented Bedstraw, Three-flowered Bedstraw: Galium triflorum (Synonyms: Galium brachiatum, Galium pennsylvanicum, Galium triflorum var. asprelliforme, Galium triflorum var. viridiflorum)






In the Columbia River Gorge, fragrant bedstraw may be found between the elevations of 100'-3800' from near the mouth of the Sandy River east to near Bingen, WA.

Fragrant Bedstraw, Sweetscented Bedstraw, Three-flowered Bedstraw: Galium triflorum (Synonyms: Galium brachiatum, Galium pennsylvanicum, Galium triflorum var. asprelliforme, Galium triflorum var. viridiflorum)

Fragrant bedstraw as seen along the trail to McCord Creek, western Columbia River Gorge...........April 22, 2015.

Whorled leaves of Fragrant Bedstraw, Sweetscented Bedstraw, Three-flowered Bedstraw: Galium triflorum (Synonyms: Galium brachiatum, Galium pennsylvanicum, Galium triflorum var. asprelliforme, Galium triflorum var. viridiflorum)

The photo above shows the 6 whorled leaves of fragrant bedstraw as seen on the southeastern slopes of Mt. Adams...........July 12, 2005.

Paul Slichter