[Wildflowers with 3 or 6 Petalsin the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

The Orchid Family in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington


Orchids of the Columbia River Gorge:

Calypso, Fairy Slipper, Fairy Slipper Orchids: Calypso bulbosa var. occidentalis (Synonym: Calypso bulbosa ssp. occidentalis)

Phantom Orchid: Cephalanthera austiniae (Synonyms: Chloraea austiniae, Eburophyton austiniae )

Coralroots: The Genus Corallorhiza

Lady Slippers: The Genus Cypripedium

Giant Hellborine, Stream Orchid: Epipactis gigantea (Synonyms: Amesia gigantea, Epipactis gigantea f. citrina, Epipactis gigantea f. rubrifolia, Helleborine gigantea)

Giant Rattlesnake Plantain, Green-leaf Rattlesnake-plantain, Rattlesnake Plantain, Western Rattlesnake Plantain: Goodyera oblongifolia (Synonyms: Goodyera decipiens, Goodyera oblongifolia var. reticulata, Peramium decipiens, Peramium menziesii)

Twayblades: The Genus Neottia (formerly the Genus Listera)

Rein Orchids: The Genus Piperia (formerly Habenaria)

Bog Orchids: The Genus Platanthera (formerly Habenaria)

Ladies' Tresses: The Genus Spiranthes

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