Piper's Buckwheat, Piper's Golden Buckwheat, Piper's Wild Buckwheat
Eriogonum flavum var. piperi
Synonyms: Eriogonum androsaceum, Eriogonum flavum ssp. piperi, Eriogonum flavum var. linguifolium, Eriogonum piperi
What may be Piper's buckwheat as seen on callitche deposits to the west of Arlington, Oregon..............May 12, 2012. The specimens shown here do not fit well with the characteristics of typical Piper's buckwheat (See photo at bottom of page.) in that they have more ovate leaves than they normally should, so it is speculated these could be a new variety, or one that is found in western Montana.
Piper's buckwheat is typically found at a much higher elevation and the nearest known population is about 100 miles away in the Umatilla National Forest to the east of Pendleton, Oregon.
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Additonal close-up photos of what may be Piper's buckwheat as seen on callitche deposits to the west of Arlington, Oregon..............May 12, 2012.
The photo above shows a nice mat of Piper's buckwheat as seen in gravelly soils along Umatilla National Forest Roat #43 near the head of Menatchee Creek in southeastern Washington..........................June 25, 2007.
Paul Slichter