[The Saxifrage Family in Denali National Park and Preserve]
Alaska Boykinia, Bearflower, Bear Flower, Richardson's Brookfoam
Boykinia richardsonii
Synonyms: Hemieva richardsonii, Saxifraga richardsonii, Therofon richardsonii

Bear flower as seen atop Quigley Ridge, Denali National Park and Preserve.............June 18, 2012.

Close-ups of the flowers of bear flower as seen atop Quigley Ridge, Denali National Park and Preserve.............June 18, 2012.
Close-ups of bearflower as seen along the Taiga Trail at Camp Denali, Denali National Park and Preserve..........June 16, 2012.
A close-up of the flower of bearflower. Note the glandular stem. Photographed
atop Camp Ridge, above Camp Denali...............June 22, 2002.
Bearflower from atop Camp Ridge...........June 22, 2002. Bearflower is a favorite food of the grizzly bear during the spring.
A close-up of bearflower's flower.
The photo above shows the basal leaves of bearflower as seen on moist north-facing slopes about one mile east of Highway Pass, Denali National Park......................August 23, 2006. The thick, heavily veined leaves are normally green but turn an attractive copper color after the first frosts.

A slightly aged inflorescence of bearflower as seen about one mile east of Highway Pass...................August 23, 2006.

Bearflower from atop Camp Ridge...........June 22, 2002.
Paul Slichter