American Cow-parsnip, Common Cowparsnip, Common Cow-parsnip, Cow Parsnip
Heracleum maximum
Synonyms: Heracleum douglasii, Heracleum lanatum, Heracleum
lanatum , Heracelum sphondylium ssp. montanum, Heracleum sphondylium var. lanatum, Pastinaca lanatum

Cow parsnip as seen in wetlands along the Park Road at the Reflection Pond at Wonder Lake, Denali National Park and Preserve..........June 19, 2012.

The photo above shows the large leaves and umbels of cow parsnip. Note the large, inflated bases to the leaf petioles and the numerous white, spreading hairs on the stems. The large, attractive lupine is large-leaf lupine (Lupinus polyphyllus ssp. polyphyllus).
The photo above shows the fruits of cow parsnip.
Paul Slichter