Lapland Rosebay, Lapland Rose-bay
Rhododendron lapponicum
Synonym: Azalea lapponica

Lapland rosebay blooming along the Taiga Trail at Camp Denali, Denali National Park and Preserve............June 16, 2012.


Lapland rosebay blooming on Camp Ridge above Camp Denali, Denali National Park and Preserve............June 16, 2012.

Lapland rosebay blooming on frost-heaving tundra on the east-facing slopes of Pillow Basalt Ridge which is located about one mile downstream of the Park Road on the west side of Little Stony Creek, Denali National Park and Preserve...........June 17, 2012.
Close-ups of the flowers and leaves of lapland rosebay as seen high on Camp Ridge above Camp Denali, Denali National Park................August 26, 2006.
Lapland rosebay as seen from atop Camp Ridge, above Camp Denali...................June 2002.
Paul Slichter