Arctic Wintergreen, Largeflowered Wintergreen, Large-flower Wintergreen, Large-flowered Wintergreen, Pyrole Grandes Fleurs
Pyrola grandiflora
Synonyms: Pyrola borealis, Pyrola canadensis, Pyrola gormanii, Pyrola grandiflora var. canadensis, Pyrola grandiflora var. gormanii, Pyrola occidentalis

Large-flowered wintergreen as seen in moist tundra between Eielson Visitors Center and the western base of Green Dome, Denali National Park and Preserve...........June 20, 2012.
Large-flowered wintergreen from Grassy Pass, Denali National
Park ...........June 27, 2002. Note that the large, net-veined leaves in the
picture are not those of netted willow (Salix reticulata) and not of large-flowered wintergreen.
Paul Slichter