Pale Poppy, Pink Poppy
Papaver alboroseum

The photo above shows a close-up of the flower of pink poppy as seen along Stony Creek in Denali National Park................June 27, 2002.

Pink poppy from the banks of Little Stony Creek, Denali National
Park........June 27, 2002.
A close-up of the flower of Pink Poppy from the banks of Little
Stony Creek, Denali National Park........June 27, 2002.
A dark photo of the leaf of Pink Poppy from the banks of Little
Stony Creek, Denali National Park........June 27, 2002.
The unopened flower bud of Pink Poppy from the banks of Little
Stony Creek, Denali National Park........June 27, 2002.
Paul Slichter