False Candytuft
Smelowskia borealis
A close-up of the flowers of Smelowskia borealis, photographed
atop Thoro Ridge, Denali National Park............June 23, 2002.
Smelowskia borealis, photographed atop Thoro Ridge,
Denali National Park............June 23, 2002. Note the rosette of hairy, basal
leaves at right.
The photo above shows a close-up of the basal rosetted of leaves of a young plant of Smelowskia borealis as seen at the same time and location as the other photos on this page.
A close-up of the fruits of Smelowskia borealis, photographed
atop Thoro Ridge, Denali National Park............June 23, 2002.
Paul Slichter