[Hoofed Mammals of Denali National Park and Preserve]

Barren Ground Caribou

Rangifer tarandus

Barren Ground Caribou: Rangifer tarandus

Caribou along the park road several miles east of Wonder Lake....................August 22, 2006.

Barren Ground Caribou: Rangifer tarandus

Caribou amidst fall color along the park road about 7-8 miles east of Wonder Lake..........................August 27, 2006.

Barren Ground Caribou: Rangifer tarandus

Caribou amidst fall color along the park road about 7-8 miles east of Wonder Lake..........................August 27, 2006.

Barren Ground Caribou: Rangifer tarandus

Caribou along the park road several miles east of Wonder Lake....................August 22, 2006.

Scat of Barren Ground Caribou: Rangifer tarandus - Scat of Barren Ground Caribou: Rangifer tarandus

Caribou scat as seen on Gravel Mt., Denali National Park...............September 9, 2009. Summertime and early fall scat is typically more clumping like these, while the scat produced later in the season through the winter tends to be more pellet-like in appearance.

Barren Ground Caribou: Rangifer tarandus

A closeup of the hoof print of a barren ground caribou as seen in firm sand along the banks of upper Moose Creek near the southwest corner of Mount Galen, Denali National park and Preserve............June 21, 2012.

Barren Ground Caribou: Rangifer tarandus

A group of caribou on the steep eastern slopes of Thorofare Mt., Denali National Park and Preserve..........June 2002. Caribou can often be found on snow fields high on north or east-facing slopes in early to mid summer seeking relief from mosquitoes.

Paul Slichter