[Wildflowers of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Identification of Wildflowers Having Tiny Flowers

in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon & Washington

American Stinging Nettles, California Nettle, Northwest Nettle: Urtica dioica ssp. gracilis (Synonyms: Urtica californica, Urtica cardiophylla, Urtica dioica var. angustifolia, Urtica dioica var. californica, Urtica dioicia var. gracilis, Urtica dioica var. lyallii, Urtica dioica var. procera, Urtica gracilis, Urtica lyallii, Urtica lyallii var. californica, Urtica major, Urtica procera, Urtica serra, Urtica strigosissima, Urtica viridis)

American Stinging Nettles: Urtica dioica ssp. gracilis

Nettle Family: Plants having tiny green flowers without petals arranged in thin, stringy clusters. Toothed leaves are opposite. Plants are covered with stinging hairs!
American Skunk Cabbage, Skunk-cabbage, Yellow Skunk Cabbage: Lysichiton americanus (Synonym: Lysichitum americanum) - Plants having a large, yellow leaf that surrounds a yellow spike of tiny flowers. Basal leaves very large. Plants have a sulfur odor when in bloom!
Goosefoot Family Sorry, but this one's not operational yet! Weedy plants having tiny green, non-petaled flowers in thick spike-like clusters. Leaves often have a white, scruffy appearance.
Amaranth Family Sorry, but this one's not operational yet! Weedy plants having tiny flowers in thick spikes or clusters. Leaves lack the white, scruffy appearance.
Paul Slichter E-mail