Western Rattlesnakeroot, Western Rattlesnake-root, Western Rattlesnake
Root, Western White Lettuce
Nabalus hastatus
Synonyms: Nabalus alatus, Prenanthes alata, Prenanthes lessingii
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Western rattlesnake root observed in flower along the Pacific Crest Trail downhill to the north of the junction with the Three Corner Rock Trail, DNR lands, Skamania County, WA......August 7, 2021.
Close-ups of the flower heads of western rattlesnake root as seen along the trail between Angels Rest and the Wahkeena Falls Trail...........August 20, 2009.
Western rattlesnake root as seen along the trail between Angels Rest and the Wahkeena Falls Trail.........August 20, 2009.
Involucral bracts of western rattlesnake root as seen along the trail between Angels Rest and the Wahkeena Falls Trail.........August 20, 2009.
The arrow-shaped leaf of western rattlesnake root as seen along the trail between Angels Rest and the Wahkeena Falls Trail (photo at left).........May 18, 2009. The leaf at right was observed in forest high on Hardy Ridge, Beacon Rock State Park........April 20, 2015.
Paul Slichter