[Members of the Sunflower Family with Discoid Flower Heads in the Cascade Mt. Range of Oregon and Washington]

The Butterweeds, Groundsels and Ragworts of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington

The Genus Senecio

Inflorescence of Sweet-marsh Butterweed, Tall Butterweed: Senecio hydrophiloides (Synonyms: Senecio foetidus var. foetidus , Senecio foetidus var. foetidus, Senecio foetidus var. hydrophiloides, Senecio oreganus)

The photo above shows a close-up tightly packed flower heads that make up the flat-topped inflorescence of sweet-marsh butterweed as seen at Conboy NWR.........June 18, 2006.

Rayless Groundsel, Rayless Ragwort: Senecio aronicoides

Stout Meadow Groundsel, Sweet-marsh Butterweed: Senecio hydrophiloides (Synonyms: Senecio foetidus, Senecio foetidus var. foetidus, Senecio foetidus var. hydrophiloides, Senecio oreganus) -

Alkali-marsh Butterweed, Water Groundsel: Senecio hydrophilus - Flower heads typically have 5 ray florets, but sometimes will have none.

Wood Groundsel, Woodland Groundsel, Woodland Ragwort: Senecio sylvaticus - Flower heads typically lacking ray florets, but occasionally 1-8 may be present.

Common Groundsel, Old Man, Old-man-in-the-Spring: Senecio vulgaris -

Paul Slichter E-mail