[Thistles: The Genus Cirsium in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Short-styled Thistle, Clustered Thistle

Cirsium brevistylum

Short-styled Thistle, Clustered Thistle: Cirsium brevistylum

What appears to be short-styled thistle as seen along the Top Spur Trail at Bald Mountain, on the northwest side of Mt. Hood............August 19, 2012.

Short-styled Thistle, Clustered Thistle: Cirsium brevistylum - Stem leaf of Short-styled Thistle, Clustered Thistle: Cirsium brevistylum

Flower head of Short-styled Thistle, Clustered Thistle: Cirsium brevistylum - Short-styled Thistle, Clustered Thistle: Cirsium brevistylum

Short-styled Thistle, Clustered Thistle: Cirsium brevistylum - Short-styled Thistle, Clustered Thistle: Cirsium brevistylum

Short-styled thistle blooming along the Boundary Trail #1 near Dark Meadows, Dark Divide, Gifford Pinchot National Forest..........July 3, 2015.

Paul Slichter