[ Alders: The Genus Alnus in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

California Alder , White Alder

Alnus rhombifolia

Synonym: Alnus rhombifolia var. bernardina

White Alder, California Alder: Alnus rhombifolia (Synonym: Alnus rhombifolia var. bernardina)

The photo above shows the leaves and cones of white alder as photographed along the upper Klickitat River about 7 miles southeast of Glenwood,WA.........May 26, 2008.The leaf tips vary from rounded to acute as seen in this photo.

Ventral leaf surface of White Alder, California Alder: Alnus rhombifolia (Synonym: Alnus rhombifolia var. bernardina)

The photo above shows the lower leaf surface of white alder. Photographed along the upper Klickitat River about 7 miles southeast of Glenwood,WA..........May 26, 2008.

Upper leaf surface of White Alder, California Alder: Alnus rhombifolia (Synonym: Alnus rhombifolia var. bernardina)

The photo above shows the upper leaf surface of white alder. Photographed along the upper Klickitat River about 7 miles southeast of Glenwood,WA..........May 26, 2008.

Seed cones of White Alder, California Alder: Alnus rhombifolia (Synonym: Alnus rhombifolia var. bernardina)

The photo above shows a cluster of cones of white alder. Photographed along the upper Klickitat River about 7 miles southeast of Glenwood,WA.........May 26, 2008.

Paul Slichter