[Rushes: The Genus Juncus in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Pointed Rush

Juncus oxymeris

Synonym: Juncus acutiflorus

Inflorescence of Pointed Rush: Juncus oxymeris (Synonym: Juncus acutiflorus)

Close-up of the much-branched inflorescence of pointed rush as seen on the shoreline along Mirror Lake in Rooster Rock State Park, western Columbia River Gorge.........August 19, 2009.

Floral spikes of Pointed Rush: Juncus oxymeris (Synonym: Juncus acutiflorus) -- Floral spikes of Pointed Rush: Juncus oxymeris (Synonym: Juncus acutiflorus)

Close-ups of the floral spikes of pointed rush as seen on the shoreline along Mirror Lake in Rooster Rock State Park, western Columbia River Gorge........August 19, 2009.

Pointed Rush: Juncus oxymeris (Synonym: Juncus acutiflorus) -- Leaf attachment to stem of Pointed Rush: Juncus oxymeris (Synonym: Juncus acutiflorus)

Stem leaves of pointed rush as seen on the shoreline along Mirror Lake in Rooster Rock State Park, western Columbia River Gorge........August 19, 2009.

Pointed Rush: Juncus oxymeris (Synonym: Juncus acutiflorus)

Flower cluster of Pointed Rush: Juncus oxymeris (Synonym: Juncus acutiflorus) - Flower cluster of Pointed Rush: Juncus oxymeris (Synonym: Juncus acutiflorus)

Pointed rush as seen along the upper shoreline (just below the deciduous shrub and tree line) along the Columbia River shore at the eastern edge of the Sandy River delta.......September 25, 2010.

Inflorescence of Pointed Rush: Juncus oxymeris (Synonym: Juncus acutiflorus)

Pointed Rush: Photographed east of Salem, OR.........early June, 2006.

Paul Slichter E-mail