[Conifers of Mt. Adams Country]

Pacific Yew, Western Yew

Taxus brevifolia

Synonyms: Taxus baccata ssp. brevifolia, Taxus baccata var. brevifolia, Taxus baccata var. canadensis, Taxus lindleyana, Taxux bourcieri

Pacific Yew, Western Yew: Taxus brevifolia (Synonyms: Taxus baccata ssp. brevifolia, Taxus baccata var. brevifolia, Taxus baccata var. canadensis, Taxus lindleyana, Taxux bourcieri)

The scan above shows the upper surface of the needles of Pacific yew.

Locations on Mt. Adams Where this Species May be Viewed:

Found only infrequently on Mt. Adams, Pacific yew may be found -

1. Occasionally found in the coniferous forest on the mid-elevation western slopes of Mt. Adams.

2. Occasionally found along Rd #23 at the southwestern corner of Mt. Adams.

Pacific Yew, Western Yew: Taxus brevifolia (Synonyms: Taxus baccata ssp. brevifolia, Taxus baccata var. brevifolia, Taxus baccata var. canadensis, Taxus lindleyana, Taxux bourcieri)
The scan above shows a close-up of the lower needle surface of Pacific yew. The ventral needle surfaces of Pacific yew lack the grayish to white stomatal bloom that is characteristic of other flat-needle conifers found on the mountain.

Paul Slichter