Columbia Gumplant, Oregon Gumplant, Coastal Gumweed, Columbia Gumweed, Idaho Gumweed, Low Gumweed, Resinweed
Grindelia hirsutula
Synonyms: Grindelia arenicola, Grindelia columbiana, Grindelia integrifolia var. macrophylla, Grindelia nana, Grindelia nana ssp. columbiana, Grindelia nana ssp. nana, Grindelia nana var. discoidea, Grindelia nana var. integerrima, Grindelia nana var. integrifolia, Grindelia nana var. nana, Grindelia squarrosa var. quasiperennis, Grindelia stricta ssp. stricta, Grindelia stricta var. stricta
The photo above shows a flower head of low
gumweed as seen at about 4000' along Road S1750 on the east side of King Mt,
which is several miles south of Mt. Adams.........September 30, 2006.
The photo above shows a close-up view of the
involucre of low gumweed as seen at about 4000' along Road S1750 on the east
side of King Mt, which is several miles south of Mt. Adams.........September
30, 2006. Note the tips of each bract which are curved outwards then
reflexed downward and the resinous covering to the bracts.
The photo above shows a close-up of a basal leaf of low gumweed
as seen on the east side of King Mt, which is several miles south of Mt. Adams..........September
30, 2006. Note the acute-tipped teeth on the leaf margins which help separate this from Grindelia squarrosa.
The photo above shows a close-up of a stem leaf of low gumweed
as seen on the east side of King Mt, which is several miles south of Mt. Adams.........September
30, 2006.
The photo above shows low gumweed as seen at about 4000' along
Road S1750 on the east side of King Mt, which is several miles south of Mt.
Adams........September 30, 2006.