[Asters: The Genera Canadanthus, Eucephalus, Eurybia, Oreostemma, and Symphyotrichum in Mt. Adams Country]
Western Meadow Aster
Symphyotrichum campestre
Synonyms: Aster campestris, Aster campestris var. bloomeri, Aster campestris var. campestris, Symphyotrichum campestre var. bloomeri, Symphyotrichum campestre var. campestre

The photo above shows a close-up of the flower head of western
meadow aster as found in dry coniferous forest along Road K1000 to the east
of the Mount Adams Highway.........September 8, 2007.

The photo above shows a close-up of the flower head of western meadow aster as found in dry coniferous forest along Road K1000 to the east of the Mount Adams Highway.........September 8, 2007. Note the numerous hairs covering the leaves and the stem as well as the numerous glands on the involucral bracts.

The photo above shows the seed head
of western mountain aster as found along Road K1000 on the southeastern slopes
of Mt. Adams.........June 17, 2006.
The photo above shows a close-up of the narrow leaves of western meadow aster as found in dry coniferous forest along Road K1000 to the east of the Mount Adams Highway.........September 8, 2007. Note again the numerous short spreading hairs covering the leaves and stem.

The photo above shows the leafy stem and flower head of western meadow aster as found in dry coniferous forest along Road K1000 to the east of the Mount Adams Highway.........September 8, 2007.
The photo above shows several views of western meadow aster as found in dry coniferous forest along Road K1000 to the east of the Mount Adams Highway.........September 8, 2007.
Paul Slichter