[ Arnicas and Leopardbanes: The Genus Arnica in Mt. Adams Country]

Nodding Arnica, Parry's Arnica

Arnica parryi

Synonyms: Arnica angustifolia ssp. eradiata, Arnica parryi ssp. parryi, Arnica parryi ssp. sonnei, Arnica parryi var. parryi, Arnica parryi var. sonnei

Flower head of Nodding Arnica, Parry's Arnica: Arnica parryi (Synonyms: Arnica angustifolia ssp. eradiata, Arnica parryi ssp. parryi, Arnica parryi ssp. sonnei, Arnica parryi var. parryi, Arnica parryi var. sonnei)

The photo above shows the discoid inflorescence of nodding arnica as seen along forest road 82 above spur road 190 on the southeastern side of Mt. Adams.......July 1, 2005. The flower heads are typically lacking in ray flowers, which if present, are greatly reduced in size and number.

Involucral bracts of Nodding Arnica, Parry's Arnica: Arnica parryi (Synonyms: Arnica angustifolia ssp. eradiata, Arnica parryi ssp. parryi, Arnica parryi ssp. sonnei, Arnica parryi var. parryi, Arnica parryi var. sonnei)

The photo above shows a close-up side-view of the flower head of nodding arnica as seen along forest road 82 above spur road 190 on the southeastern side of Mt. Adams.......July 1, 2005. Note the numeorus long, spreading, gland-tipped hairs on the involucre and on the upper stem.

Lower stem leaf of Nodding Arnica, Parry's Arnica: Arnica parryi (Synonyms: Arnica angustifolia ssp. eradiata, Arnica parryi ssp. parryi, Arnica parryi ssp. sonnei, Arnica parryi var. parryi, Arnica parryi var. sonnei)

The photo above shows a basal leaf of nodding arnica as seen along forest road 82 above spur road 190 on the southeastern side of Mt. Adams.........July 1, 2005. The leaves of this species are broadly lanceolate to lance-ovate in outline with entire margins or if present, regularly toothed. The similar rayless arnica (Arnica discoidea), has leaves that are ovate to somewhat heart-shaped with irregularly toothed margins.

Involucral bracts of Nodding Arnica, Parry's Arnica: Arnica parryi (Synonyms: Arnica angustifolia ssp. eradiata, Arnica parryi ssp. parryi, Arnica parryi ssp. sonnei, Arnica parryi var. parryi, Arnica parryi var. sonnei)

Nodding arnica as photographed at the small frog pond along the Round the Mt. Trail at the east end of Bird Creek Meadows.......mid September 1998. Note that this species lacks or has reduced ray flowers.

Lower stem leaf of Nodding Arnica, Parry's Arnica: Arnica parryi (Synonyms: Arnica angustifolia ssp. eradiata, Arnica parryi ssp. parryi, Arnica parryi ssp. sonnei, Arnica parryi var. parryi, Arnica parryi var. sonnei)

The photograph above shows an aging lower leaf of nodding arnica as photographed at the small frog pond along the Round the Mt. Trail at the east end of Bird Creek Meadows.......mid September 1998.

Ripe seed head of Nodding Arnica, Parry's Arnica: Arnica parryi (Synonyms: Arnica angustifolia ssp. eradiata, Arnica parryi ssp. parryi, Arnica parryi ssp. sonnei, Arnica parryi var. parryi, Arnica parryi var. sonnei)

The photo above shows the seed head of nodding arnica as photographed at the small frog pond along the Round the Mt. Trail at the east end of Bird Creek Meadows.......mid September 1998.

Paul Slichter