[Members of the Suflower Family with Button-like Flower Heads in Mt. Adams Country]

Fleabanes of Mt. Adams Country That Lack Ray Flowers

The Genus Erigeron

California Rayless Daisy, California Rayless Fleabane, Rayless Fleabane, Unadorned Fleabane: Erigeron inornatus var. inornatus

California rayless daisy: Erigeron inornatus var. inornatus

California Rayless Daisy, California Rayless Fleabane, Rayless Fleabane, Unadorned Fleabane: Erigeron inornatus var. inornatus - Disk flowers only.

Bloomer's Daisy, Scabland Fleabane: Erigeron bloomeri var. bloomeri is a rayless fleabane which is found in the Simcoe Mts. 10-20 miles east of the Klickitat River which so far has not been found on Mt. Adams or along the west bank of the Klickitat River.

The following fleabanes have ray flowers, but these are often inconspicuous so one might arrive at this page when keying them out.

Bitter Fleabane, Northern Daisy: Erigeron nivalis (Synonyms: Erigeron acris ssp. debilis, Erigeron acris var. debilis, Trimorpha acris var. debilis) - Ray flowers very short, erect, and often inconspicuous. Heads one to a few per stem, plants to 30 cm high.

Bitter Fleabane: Erigeron acris var. kamtschaticus (Synonyms: Erigeron acris ssp. politus, Erigeron acris var. asteroides, Trimorpha acris var. asteroides) - Ray flowers very short, erect, and often inconspicuous. Heads several to many per stem, plants 30-60 cm high.

Paul Slichter E-mail