[Discoid Arnicas: The Genus Arnica in Mt. Adams Country]

Rayless Arnica

Arnica discoidea

Synonyms: Arnica discoidea var. eradiata, Arnica grayi, Arnica parviflora ssp. alata, Arnica parviflora ssp. parviflora, Arnica parviflora 

Rayless Arnica, Rayless Leopardbane: Arnica discoidea (Synonyms: Arnica grayi, Arnica parviflora ssp. alata, Arnica parviflora ssp. parviflora)

The photo above shows a close-up view of the inflorescence of rayless arnica. Notice the numerous spreading hairs on the stems and involucral bracts. The flower heads are spreading to ascending. Photographed in coniferous forest to the west of Laurel Road in Conboy Lake NWR.........June 15, 2008.

Rayless Arnica, Rayless Leopardbane: Arnica discoidea (Synonyms: Arnica grayi, Arnica parviflora ssp. alata, Arnica parviflora ssp. parviflora)

The photo above shows a view of rayless arnica. as photographed in coniferous forest to the west of Laurel Road in Conboy Lake NWR.........June 15, 2008. Notice that this species has four or fewer pairs of opposite stem leaves.

Rayless Arnica, Rayless Leopardbane: Arnica discoidea (Synonyms: Arnica grayi, Arnica parviflora ssp. alata, Arnica parviflora ssp. parviflora)

The photo above shows a close-up view of a lower stem leaf of rayless arnica. Notice that the leaf blade of this species is ovate to somewhat heart-shaped while that of the similar nodding arnica is lanceolate. Photographed in coniferous forest to the west of Laurel Road in Conboy Lake NWR........June 15, 2008.

Rayless Arnica, Rayless Leopardbane: Arnica discoidea (Synonyms: Arnica grayi, Arnica parviflora ssp. alata, Arnica parviflora ssp. parviflora)

The photo above shows another view of the upper stem and inflorescence of rayless arnica. Notice the numerous spreading hairs on the stems, leaves and involucral bracts. Photographed in coniferous forest to the west of Laurel Road in Conboy Lake NWR.........June 15, 2008.

Paul Slichter