[Sedges: The Genus Carex in Mt. Adams Country]

Clustered Field Sedge, Blackcreeper Sedge

Carex praegracilis

Inflorescence of Clustered Field Sedge, Blackcreeper Sedge: Carex praegracilis

The photo above shows a close-up of the inflorescence of clustered field sedge as seen in Grand Meadows on the western slopes of Mt. Adams..........September 28, 2008.

Female spike of Clustered Field Sedge, Blackcreeper Sedge: Carex praegracilis

The photo above shows a close-up of the lowest spike of clustered field sedge as seen in Grand Meadows on the western slopes of Mt. Adams.........September 28, 2008.

Perigynia of Clustered Field Sedge, Blackcreeper Sedge: Carex praegracilis

The photo above shows a close-up of the perigynia of clustered field sdege as seen at Grand Meadows..........September 28, 2008. Note the bulbouse base to the perigynia which then taper gradually to a distinct beak. Note also the subtending scale (second perigynia from the top) which is large enough to cover and hide the perigynia when seen on a spike.

Inflorescence of Clustered Field Sedge, Blackcreeper Sedge: Carex praegracilis - Perigynia of Clustered Field Sedge, Blackcreeper Sedge: Carex praegracilis - Clustered Field Sedge, Blackcreeper Sedge: Carex praegracilis

These 3 photos show detail views of the inflorescence and perigynia of clustered field sedge as seen at Grand Meadows..........September 28, 2008.

Paul Slichter