[Sedges: The Genus Carex in Mt. Adams Country]

Greensheathed Sedge, Green-sheath Sedge

Carex feta

Synonym: Carex straminea var. mixta

Inflorescence of Greensheathed Sedge, Green-sheath Sedge  Carex feta  Synonym: Carex straminea var. mixta

A close-up of the inflorescence of what appears to be green-sheath sedge as seen at the south side of the Kelly Unit, Conboy Lake National Refuge..........June 25, 2013. Carex feta is very similar and often found at the same sites. I've based this tentative ID on the greenish inflorescence (as opposed to a silvery inflorescence in Carex feta). I'd want perigynia and a glance at the leaf sheath fronts for a positive ID.

Greensheathed Sedge, Green-sheath Sedge  Carex feta  Synonym: Carex straminea var. mixta - Greensheathed Sedge, Green-sheath Sedge  Carex feta  Synonym: Carex straminea var. mixta

What appears to be green-sheath sedge as seen at the south side of the Kelly Unit, Conboy Lake National Refuge..........June 25, 2013.

Paul Slichter