Large-anthered Woodrush, Prairie Woodrush
Luzula macrantha
Synonyms: Juncoides comosa var. macrantha, Luzula campestris var. macrantha, Luzula comosa var. macrantha
The photo above shows a close-up of the inflorescence of large-anthered woodrush as seen in open prairie soils along Kreps Lane in Conboy Lake Lake National Wildlife Refuge..........April 27, 2008.
Note that the anthers are much longer than the filaments.
Close-up images of the inflorescence of large-anthered woodrush as seen in open forest and bitterbrush scrublnds at the south rim of the Klickitat River canyon, Klickitat Canyon Community Forest........June 4, 2022.
Close-up images of some of the pilose hairs fringing the joint of the leaves and stem of large-anthered woodrush as seen in open prairie soils along Kreps Lane in Conboy Lake Lake National Wildlife Refuge.............April 27, 2008.
Close-ups of large-anthered woodrush as seen in open coniferous forest near Lakeside Road in Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge..............April 30, 2009. Note that the anthers are much longer than the filaments in the photos of the flowers.
Paul Slichter