Pinegrass, Pine Reedgrass
Calamagrostis rubescens
Synonym: Calamagrostis fasciulata
Note: I think all these photos actually represent prairie junegrass (Koeleria macrantha), but I will need to return to this area once recent fire damage to trails has been alleviated to check the true identity of the plants.
Pinegrass blooming on the Ridge of Wonders at the southeastern side of Mt. Adams.............August 13, 2012.
Pinegrass blooming on the Ridge of Wonders at the southeastern side of Mt. Adams.............August 13, 2012.
The photo above shows the inflorescence of
pinegrass as seen along the Island Springs Trail #66 on the eastern slopes of
Mt. Adams...........August 12, 2006. All photos on this page were
taken at approximately the same location.
A close-up of the inflorescence of pinegrass.........August
12, 2006.
A close-up of a stem leaf of pinegrass...........August
11, 2006.
Paul Slichter